Ordering food or coffee to go? Click the button below to go to our ordering site.

Looking to buy our coffee online? Click the button below to go to our online ordering site.
Essence of Coffee has a simple philosophy: Serious Coffee; Great Food: Casual Atmosphere. It guides and governs every decision we make. Specialty coffee, freshly roasted by us and appreciated by you; fresh whole foods made by us and enjoyed by you; great conversation and relaxed atmosphere created by us and also by you our great customers.
Coffee is not a drink it is the ‘elixir of life’. In fact, it is the unobtrusive fundamental companion upon which modern life exists.
We have been coffee folk – from a business perspective – for almost 15 years. I say from a business perspective because I think, as a baby, my mother put coffee in my bottle instead of formula. She certainly used to wake me in the morning with a cup from as early as I can remember. From drinking army coffee – instant stuff that fizzed in hot water – to our first coffee brewer as a young married couple (a story you need to ask me to tell when you visit) our coffee flavor journey progressed to what it has become today. Lesley was a tea drinker until she met me. I converted her to the wonders of Coffee! And now we are coffee folk through and through.
2025 © Essence of Coffee
Ordering food or coffee to go? Click the button below to go to our ordering site.
Looking to buy our coffee online? Click the button below to go to our online ordering site.
Are you looking to order food or coffee to go? We have a website and an app where you can order your favorite’s! Click the button below to go to our ordering site.
Are you looking to buy our coffee online? Not to worry, we can help you! Clicking the button below will take you to our online ordering site.